We’ve been receiving inquiries in recent years from an increasing number of schools about swimwear that can meet demand from sexual minority students. - Japan Today

2022-09-10 00:55:11 By : Mr. Rickey Lai

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Reiko Sano, who is in charge of product development at Footmark Corp which has developed genderless school swimwear -- a navy blue long-sleeved jacket and half pants, having roomy chest and waist areas to make differences in body shape between men and women less noticeable.

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There's a pretty easy fix. Just make all students wear two-piece bikinis. Male, female or others.. Problem solved! :P

As opposed to three- or four- piece bikinis?

Sexual minority refers to people individuals who identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, or who are attracted to or have sexual contact with people of the same gender.

Not sure I understand where sexuality comes into play when talking about students' (kids) swimwear of all things.

The point here is, such artificial ‘inquiries’ come from the schools and not from the very few out of the minorities that might be ever affected.

Sexual minority refers to people individuals who identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual

Yes, but not exclusively. You don't even have to leave Google search, it mirrors the Wikipedia definition on the results page itself:

A sexual minority is a group whose sexual identity, orientation or practices differ from the majority of the surrounding society. Primarily used to refer to lesbian, gay, bisexual, or non-heterosexual individuals, it can also refer to transgender, non-binary (including third gender) or intersex individuals.

The highlighted (by me) passages are, evidently, the ones relevant to this quote.

Not sure I understand where sexuality comes into play when talking about students' (kids) swimwear of all things.

It should be obvious that for some children their sexual identity would make extremely uncomfortable to wear something that enhance how their bodies are different from how they want to be seen, so swimwear that hide differences become much easier for them to use.

The point here is, such artificial ‘inquiries’ come from the schools and not from the very few out of the minorities that might be ever affected.

Why would you expect the individuals to directly contact the manufacturer of the swimwear? the children (and their families) would direct their request to the school, to see if the official uniform can chance and accommodate their needs, the schools would then contact the manufacturer after accepting those requests.

Don't know how many this year.

School Principals covering their backsides so they can tell some crazy parents who think their sons should identify as girls, or vice versa, that they are working on it.

Non issues being given mass media attention is a form of social brainwashing!

This has nothing to do with sexuality, more about body dysphoria.

Look this is all a waste of time as any "trans" boys or girls i Jr or Sr high school are simply NOT going to attend swimming class.

Good idea. Everyone should be comfortable at the pool. Modesty has for too long been out of style. I have no desire to see anyone's buttocks at the pool.

Non issues being given mass media attention is a form of social brainwashing!

"brainwashing" requires a greater outcome. I don't see the media or anyone beside the students benefiting from this (and the company).

It has more to do with society, Japanese moral traditionally have no problem with transgender, but as western influence made its way into the society starting in the 1850s that part of society went underground.

I think that this is just a sign that part of Japanese society is starting to resurface. not brainwashing.

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