Local Entrepreneurs Making a Difference in Their Hometowns | Business | yesweekly.com

2022-07-30 00:37:50 By : Ms. Anna luo

Mainly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 71F. Winds light and variable..

Mainly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 71F. Winds light and variable.

High Point, North Carolina - Josh Jackson of High Point, NC and Grayson Haff of China Grove founded  Meripex Apparel as freshmen in college in 2015. With school around the corner they felt it was a great opportunity to donate some of their shorts, pants, and other clothing to local missions and organizations. Meripex Apparel donated to Baptist Children’s Home in Thomasville, Boys and Girls Club of Cabarrus County, West Rowan High School, Rowan Helping Ministries, and Prevent Child Abuse Rowan. In the past week, Josh and Grayson have donated over $75,000 in brand new clothing in their Back to School donation drive. 

Josh: “It has been super exciting to partner with many different community organizations in our back to school clothing donation. We are thrilled that this drive will help provide some essential clothing to kids as they start back up with school in the coming weeks. 

In 2018, we launched our Giving Back Campaign and have worked across North Carolina to provide new clothing to organizations and missions in need. It has become a very important part of our company mission and we look forward to continuing to partner with organizations throughout our hometowns and state to provide new clothing.”

Grayson: “It’s always important to remember where you come from and to help out your community.  We're blessed to have the opportunity to give back this season and hope it helps out.” 

Quote from Charities and recipients: Mary Wilder, Director of Marketing & Communications at Boys and Girls Club of Cabarrus County said: 

“Wow, we are blown away by the donation! We have over 400 children who attend our programs, many of whom are economically disadvantaged so we are thrilled to be the recipient of such a generous donation and are truly excited to be able to bless our families with the great apparel. We really appreciate your generosity and are excited to see our kids in your apparel!”

BIO: Meripex Apparel is a lifestyle clothing brand centered around providing quality, comfortable, affordable,  athletic and casual clothing. Their product line consists of athletic shorts, athletic shirts and hoodies, casual shorts, swim trunks, and more. Today, Meripex Apparel has a loyal following of tens of thousands of proud customers who are experiencing the comfort and quality in their products. 

For more information about Meripex Apparel, please visit www.meripex.com 

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